"...the DHBC is the first regulatory body of its kind in the United States. The DHBC consists of nine members appointed by the Governor four public members, one practicing dentist and four dental hygienists. The responsibilities of DHBC include issuing, reviewing, and enforcing dental hygiene licenses as well as developing examinations. Additional functions include promulgating regulations, establishing and maintaining fees, oversight and approval of dental hygiene educational programs, and continuing education requirements for all dental hygiene licensure categories. The DHBC’s primary mission is to protect the public and meet the oral hygiene needs of all Californians."
2005 Evergreen Street
Suite 1350
Sacramento, CA 95815
p: (916) 263-1978
f: (916) 263-2688
toll free: (866) 810-9899
e: dhccinfo@dca.ca.gov